Target Hardening
There are three ingredients for a crime to take place. They are: Desire, Ability and Opportunity. While it is said that most people can do little to affect the Desire or the Ability of someone attempting to commit a crime against you, most people can take steps to greatly reduce the Opportunity.
Because the community has felt secure in the rural setting of the Township many people are lax in securing their homes and possessions against theft. This is particularly a problem with theft from unlocked vehicles. It appears that unknown actors will enter an area and check multiple vehicles. They appear to be checking vehicles until they locate one that is unlocked. They then look through the vehicle and steal anything of value. The items stolen have included cell phones, money, CD’s, laptop computers, stereo equipment, purses and wallets, and Christmas presents.
The West Milford Police, in a continuing effort to deter criminal activity, makes the following suggestions: one way to decrease the Opportunity is to just lock your vehicle. Even if your vehicle is parked in your own driveway simply lock it. Remember to remove any expensive items from the vehicle and place them in your house. Any items that are left in the vehicle should be hidden from plain view. Lighting and motion sensors in your driveway may also help to deter any thefts or acts of criminal mischief. Please remember to immediately report any suspicious activity to the West Milford Police Department by dialing 911.