Zoning Board of Adjustment
Established by Ordinance through Administration of Government, Chapter 15 (§15-81).
Powers and jurisdiction of the Board of Adjustment.
(1) The Board of Adjustment shall have the power to:
(a) Hear and decide appeals where it is alleged by the appellant that there is error in any order, requirement, decision or refusal made by the administrative officer based or made in the enforcement of any provision of the Land Development Ordinance.
(b) Hear and decide, in accordance with the provisions of the Land Development Ordinance, requests for interpretation of the Official Map or Chapter 500, Zoning, or for decisions upon other special questions upon which the Board is authorized to pass by any ordinance or Official Map.
(c) Variance of area or yard requirements.
*Reorganization meeting starts at 6:30 pm
This volunteer Board is comprised of seven regular members and two alternates who are predominantly responsible for considering and deciding variance requests to the Township’s Land Development Ordinance (LDO) and the State's Land Use Law. More specifically, the statutory functions and powers of the Board are 1) to render decisions on applications for bulk variances; 2) to render decisions on applications for use variances; 3) to interpret the Municipal Zoning Map and the LDO; 4) to render decisions on appeals regarding the Zoning Officer's decision; and 5) to decide requests for a determination of pre-existing, non-conforming use status. The most common bulk variance applications involve additions to existing residences and the construction of new homes. Bulk variance approval becomes necessary when a proposal does not meet criteria in the LDO (such as lot area or setbacks, for example). A use variance application becomes necessary when the proposal is for a use that is not permitted in the zone. Administrative assistance for the Board is through the Planning Department at 973-728-2798.
Board members for 2024:
Chairman - Frank Curcio
Vice Chairman - Arthur McQuaid
Regular Members - Russel Curving, Michael DeJohn, Michael Hensley, Daniel Jurkovic, Peter McGuinness
Alternates - Stacy-Ann Webb Alt #1; Daniel Goodsir Alt #2
Board Attorney - Stephen B. Glatt, Esq.
Board Planner - Kenneth Ochab, P.P.
Board Engineer - Patrick D. McClellan, P.E.
Board Secretary - Pamela Jordan