Translation Disclaimer
  • Translation of the Township of West Milford is via Google™ Translate.
  • Google™ Translate is a third party and any use of its translation service is subject to its rules or requirements.
  • This tool is for your convenience only and the Township of West Milford does not guaranty the quality or accuracy of any
  • translation. By using this translation tool you, the user assumes the risk of any errors or inaccuracies and the
  • Township of West Milford is not responsible for any damages that might arise from using Google™ Translate.
  • If there is a difference between the English version and the translated version, the English version shall govern it. You cannot rely on the translated version.
  • It is possible that not everything can be translated by this service.
  • When using Google™ Translate you will be leaving the Township of West Milford web site.
  • The Township of West Milford has no control over Google™ Translate and, therefore, is not responsible for the result of any user’s use.
  • Use of Google™ Translate is at the user’s own risk.
  • If you have any questions, we suggest you go to the Google™ Translate guide  “Frequently Asked Questions” section.