Certificate of Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Alarms
N.J.A.C.5:70-2.3 Before any one and two family or attached single family structure is sold, leased, or otherwise made subject to a change of occupancy for residential purposes, the owner shall obtain a certificate of smoke alarm, carbon monoxide alarm, and portable fire extinguisher compliance, evidencing compliance with N.J.A.C.5:70-4.19. Failure to obtain certification can result in a fine up to $2500.00 as per the State of New Jersey Uniform Fire Code.
The public can apply for certificate of smoke alarm, carbon monoxide alarm, and portable fire extinguisher compliance inspections, apply for permits, make payments, file complaints, by registering for the citizen services account by clicking the link below.
Appointments may be scheduled by calling the Fire Prevention Bureau at 973-728-2840. If making an appointment in person please note the Fire Prevention Bureau office is located at 13 Edgar Drive.
Owners of units at Bald Eagle Commons on Richmond Road are required to obtain this certification also as per the above statue.