Department: Planning & Zoning

- Planning & Zoning
- How do I apply for a Zoning Permit?
Visit sdl.town/WestMilford to apply for Zoning Permits.
A property survey is REQUIRED for all Zoning Permit Applications. Draw to scale on your property survey the exact location and dimensions of the proposed structure and the distances to all property lines and other buildings. If any of the required information is not provided, the application will not be processed.
- How do I apply for a Temporary Outdoor Activity Permit?
The Application Form and the Instructions to help complete and submit your application can be found at TOA Permit App & Instructions (Fillable Form).pdf
- Do I need a Zoning Permit for...?
Installing or repairing a fence: Yes. On any lot in any residential district, no wall or fence shall be erected or altered so that such wall or fence is over four feet in height in the front yard areas and six feet in height in the side and rear yard areas, with a few exceptions.
Constructing/placing a shed: Yes. All sheds, regardless of size, require a zoning permit. Sheds over 200 square feet require a zoning permit and a construction permit. For further information, please contact the Building Department at (973) 728-2780.
Putting in a pool: Yes. Township Swimming Pool Ordinance
Repairing, replacing, or installing a sign: Yes.
Placing a temporary dumpster: No. However, if you will be placing the dumpster on any road, please contact the Township Police Department Non-Emergency line to let them know: (973) 728-2802.
Changing a commercial use in a commercial building: Yes. You will require a zoning permit to change a business in an existing commercial structure.
- What are the Zoning Permit Application fees?
New Single Family Residential Homes: $100.00Residential Additions: $75.00Residential Accessory Bldgs (over 100 sq.ft.): $75.00Fences, Pools, Sheds, Walls, Decks & Signs: $50.00Generators: $50.00Home Occupation: $50.00Short Term Rental: $50.00Change in Tenancy: $30.00Commercial Buildings: $200.00Commercial Additions/Alterations: $150.00Temporary Outdoor Activity/Event: $50.00
- What is the status of my Zoning Permit Application?
Applications are reviewed in the order that we receive them. State Law provides 10 business days for review. The review process begins on the day payment is received and can take up to 2 weeks. After the application has been reviewed and approved by the Zoning Officer, you will receive an email with the Zoning Permit attached. Applications that are incomplete or do not include a property survey will not be processed.
- Do you have a copy of my property survey?
Maybe. If you applied for a Zoning Permit in the past, then we might have a copy of the survey that was current at that time. But if you've done any work on your property since that time, then the survey we have on file is not current.
- Is this property buildable?
The Zoning Department can only tell you what uses are permitted in the property’s zone district and what the bulk standard requirements are for the municipality, not whether the land can be developed. The entire Township of West Milford is in the Highlands Preservation Area, which severely impacts what may or may not be able to be built. There are a number of factors that go into determining if a parcel can be developed, including, but not limited to, conformance with zoning requirements, Highlands regulations, if there are wetlands, streams and associated buffers, or other environmental limitations on site or in close proximity, easements, and/or deed restrictions. Conformance with zoning can be determined by checking the Township Code, which lists the permitted uses, minimum lot size and building setback requirements to build in each zoning district. Environmental restrictions and limitations are determined through application to either the NJ Highlands Council or the NJ Dept. of Environmental Protection, depending on what type of permit you need. It is recommended that you first contact the Health Department for septic and well regulations.
- Are there any restrictions on fences?
Yes. The maximum height of a fence is 6 feet in your side or rear yard and 4 feet in your front yard. Please be aware that if your house faces more than one street you have more than one front yard. The good side of the fence must face out. There is no setback for fences but we recommend that you keep it back from the property line so that you may maintain your fence without trespassing on your neighbor’s property. Fences cannot be topped with barbed wire or razor wire. Houses on corners may not install a fence in the “sight triangle” that would obscure the view of motorist approaching an intersection. A Zoning Permit is required prior to installing a fence.
- My neighbor and I are having a dispute regarding the boundary lines of our properties. Can the Zoning Department help me?
No. This is NOT a zoning issue. Property line disputes are personal legal matters and are not within the jurisdiction of the Township.
- Where can I find the Zoning Map of West Milford?
- Can I keep horses on my property?
Maybe. You need at least one acre of property to keep horses, with the exception of one acre lots in a subdivision of one acre lots, which is not allowed. You must provide a shelter for the horses. The shelter must have 100 sq. ft. per horse and the number of horses is based on the size of the shelter.
- Can I run a business from my home?
Maybe. West Milford zoning ordinance allows for two classes of home based businesses. The first being “Home Occupation” which would be Crafters, Electricians, Plumbers, Mail Order businesses, etc. The second being “Home Professional Offices” which would be Lawyers, Doctors, Architects, etc. “Home Occupation Businesses” may occupy up to 25% or 400 square feet of the home or accessory building. No more than one person other than family members residing at the home may be engaged in the “Home Occupation”. “Home Professional Offices” may occupy up to 50% or 800 square feet of the home or accessory building. No more than two persons other than family members residing at the home may be engaged in the “Home Professional Offices”. The following apply to both classes of businesses. No traffic or parking in excess of three cars in addition to the cars of the normal residents of the home shall be generated. No deliveries shall be made in a vehicle larger than a standard UPS or Postal vehicle. The business shall not produce any dangerous, injurious, noxious or otherwise objectionable fire, explosion or other hazard; noise or vibration, smoke, dust, odor, or other form of air pollution; heat, cold or dampness; electromagnetic or other disturbance; glare; liquid or solid refuse or other wastes; or objectionable substance, condition or element. Commercial vehicles used in connection with the home business shall be parked off street and out of the general public view.
- Where can I find information on the Highlands Water Protection & Planning Act?
Highlands Water Protection & Planning Act
New Jersey Highlands Council - West Milford Plan Conformance - NJ Highlands Council Plan Conformance Information for the Township of West Milford
To determine how the law affects your property, use the Highlands Interactive Map to first determine if the property is in the Highlands Preservation Area or Planning Area.
- My Zoning Permit Application was denied. How do I apply for a use or bulk variance?
Please contact the Secretary for the Zoning Board of Adjustment at [email protected] to begin this process.
- How do I apply for a Zoning Permit?