Stormwater is water from rain, melting snow or other precipitation types that doesn't soak into the ground but runs into waterways.  Stormwater infrastructure includes devices, materials and other conveyance methods for stormwater runoff to flow into waterways.  Nothing should be put into stormwater infrastructure, such as storm drains, inlets or catch basins, as it is a direct link to the waterways.


The West Milford Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan details the best management practices maintained at the Township of West Milford to stay in compliance with the Master General Permit No. NJ0141852 (Category Code R9) For Tier A Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (aka the Tier A MS4 NJPDES Permit).  As the stormwater regulations and permit requirements were recently enhanced, updated information and regulations will be provided when available.


The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) provides various sources for stormwater information.  The following sites provide detailed information for each, including sources to vew the Stormwater Management Rule (N.J.A.C. 7:8 Stormwater Management):


Applicable West Milford NJDEP documents are available below:

The Stormwater Management Plan is available for review.


Applicable West Milford stormwater related ordinance are available below:

  • Stormwater Control Ordinances

    The link above will direct users to the West Milford Township Code for searching and review of the Stormwater Control Ordinances.  See Chapter 325 "Stormwater Management", Chapter 470 - Article XV "Stormwater Management", Chapter 71 "Animals", Chapter 208 "Littering", Chapter 321 "Solid Waste; Recycling", and Chapter 371 "Tree Removal".  For ease of searching, pertinent ordinance searches are specified below:

    • Chapter 325 "Stormwater Management"

      • The Stormwater Management ordinance provides information for Waste Disposal in Municipal Separate Storm Sewer, Illicit Connections to Storm Sewer Systems, Private Storm Drain Inlet Retrofitting and Privately Owned Salt Storage articles.

    • Chapter 470 "Subdivision of Land and Site Plan Review", Article XV "Stormwater Management"

      • The Subdivision of Land and Site Plan Review, Stormwater Management ordinance provides information regarding stormwater provisions and requirements regarding development.

    • Chapter 71 "Animals"

      • The Animals ordinance provides Licensing and Regulation of Dogs and Cats, Wildlife Feeding, Swine, Feral Cat Trap-Neuter-Return Program, Waterfowl and Chicken or Hens on Less than One Acre of Land articles.

    • Chapter 208 "Littering"

      • The Littering ordinance provides information regarding littering, prohibitions, enforcement and other related information.

    • Chapter 321 "Solid Waste; Recycling"

      • The Solid Waste; Recycling ordinance provides Garbage and Rubbish Collection, Recycling, Garbage Collection District, Compost Site and Refuse Containers and Dumpsters articles.  Included is information regarding disposal of waste.

    • Chapter 371 "Tree Removal"

      • The Tree Removal ordinance provides information regarding the local regulations for tree removal and replacement, if required.


Applicable municipal mapping items are available below: