Forms & Documents

Department: Planning Board
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- Planning Board
- Highlands Master Plan Element Land Use Map
- Highlands Master Plan Re-Exam Report 03-07-13
- Highlands Preservation Area Master Plan Element-West Milford-09-27-12
- Highlands Preservation Area Master Plan MAPS-West Milford-06-18-12
- Land Use Plan Element Draft - December 2014 Draft Land Use Plan Element of the Township of West Milford Master Plan - December 2014
- Land Use Plan Element of the Township of West Milford Master Plan - December 7, 2017 Township of West Milford Master Plan Land Use Plan Element - Public Hearing on December 7, 2017 at 7:30 pm, West Milford Municipal Building, 1480 Union Valley Road, West Milford, NJ 07480
- Open Space & Recreation Plan Element Update For a copy of this document, please contact the Clerk’s Office.
- Open Space Plan and Addendum to Greenway and Prioritization Plan Open Space Plan & Addendum to Greenway and Prioritization Plan 2008
- Sustainable Economic Development Plan-Approved
- Trails Master Plan WM Trails Master Plan August 2014
- Brownfields 03/17/04 Initial contact with Ms. Deborah Hoffman, Director of Passaic County Department of Economic Development re: Passaic County Brownfields Commission.
- Brownfields 05/11/05 Michael Tfank thanks Ms. Hoffman and the Passaic County Brownfields Commission for their May 5, 2005 presentation to the West Milford Planning Board.
- Church Wall 04/05/06 The Planning Board Chairman writes to the Passaic County Engineer re: the Planning Board's concerns, including the lack of pedestrian improvements, on the Wall Rehabilitation Project at the Presbyterian Church in the center of Town.
- Circulation Element 04/27/05 The West Milford Planning Director writes Passaic County Director of Planning confirming discussion at the Highlands Council Staff meeting of April 4, 2005 regarding improved shoulders on County roads.
- Circulation Element 05/13/05 From the Planning Board Chairman to the Passaic County Engineer Re: Shoulder improvements to County roads.
- Draft Amendment to Master Plan - Land Use Plan Element 2010
- West Milford Draft Housing Element & Fair Share Plan 05-27-10 Draft Housing Element and Fair Share Plan to be reviewed by the Planning Board at a Public Hearing on May 27, 2010 at 7:30pm at the West Milford Town Hall, 1480 Union Valley Road, West Milford, NJ 07480.
- West Milford Township Master Plan - May 1987 (1993, 1999, 2003) West Milford Township Master Plan, May 1987, with re-examination reports from 1993, 1999, 2003.
- West Milford Township Master Plan Re-examination Report - October 2010 Re-examination Report of the West Milford Township Master Plan, October 2010.
Township of West Milford Master Plan related documents.