February 2023
Charles Carbone, P.E., Supervising Engineering Aide
The Governing Body approved, by resolution, potential advancement of the continued evaluation and review of the Bradrick Lane stream and drainage easement. The approval includes utilizing the updated scope of work to consider items detailed in Task 2 of the proposal, including site inspections/meetings/correspondence, wetlands delineation, additional survey work and sediment depth sampling. As the Township and consultants further evaluate the limitations and legal implications of the projects, a portion of the Task 2 items may be utilized dependent upon the pursued direction of the project. The Township Attorney provided input regarding a prior inquiry of the drainage easement. A follow-up meeting is anticipated with the consultant once the contract is in place and a discussion with municipal officials is anticipated to follow to determine potential project direction.
A meeting was held with the Community Services & Recreation Director, Township Administrator and Engineering Division staff regarding conceptual projects and potential statuses of ongoing projects. A 2006 park improvement conceptual plan was updated for current projects and concepts and will be updated to reflect the components of the on-site meeting.
Utilizing the Road Ratings Lists, a preliminary list of roads of potential resurfacing was prepared to determine the extents of a possible paving program dependent upon the funding allocated to the resurfacing program by the Governing Body. A resurfacing program is determined based on multiple factors, though the rating of the road carries the most weight. Other factors include roads within close proximity for a more efficient program, known / ongoing drainage concerns, legal / outstanding matters, future construction projects and location throughout the Township (though the least impactful, location is considered to ensure “Town-wide” programs). Other budgetary items, such as grant applications and similar, are reviewed and construction cost estimates are developed in order to forecast potential funding needs. A preliminary budget hearing was held February 7th.
bus shelter – UNION VALLEY ROAD
As part of the ongoing work to replace the bus shelter at Union Valley Road near Marshall Hill Road intersection, the private property owner that a bus shelter easement is being considered was re-contacted regarding the project. The property owner was contacted intermittently throughout the recommencement of this project but only recently have all other involved parties provided their final input. The Township is awaiting response from the private property owner regarding the potential proposed easement. Once response is received the final steps for moving forward with the replacement shelter project can be completed prior to in-house preparatory construction work.
As part of the ongoing work to consider a potential bus stop on Marshall Hill Road near Lincoln Avenue, follow-up contact was made with Passaic County to confirm their consideration of the potential bus stop within the County right-of-way.
A residential inquiry regarding a drainage concern was received by the Department of Public Works in December and January as a result of the heavy rain. The Engineering Division was contacted and requested to provide technical assistance and evaluation of the drainage concern. A drainage easement, with Township-deeded infrastructure maintenance responsibility, allows stormwater to flow from the property to storm drainage within the roadway. Field work, including inspections and engineering survey work, was performed on multiple occasions for the concern. A DPW work order was created for initial pipe clearing as a result of tree root infiltration into the drainage pipe. The replacement of the drainage pipe was placed on the DPW-Engineering drainage project list with a low priority as the stormwater flow was restored in the system.
One (1) initial, single-family, residential lot development plan was reviewed for compliance with Section 110-4 of the Township Code and any applicable Board resolutions. Two (2) as-built / final plans were reviewed, inspected and processed as needed. All lot development plan review results are entered into the “Spatial Data Logic” system. The results are also posted for public consumption within the Engineering Division section of the Township’s website (www.westmilford.org) under the Site Plan Tracker.
A long-standing concern is under review by a resident and municipality. The area of concern is on private property which has an access easement across it. The resident inquired previously about Township specifications for the paving of Township roads, then about private roads and driveways. A contractor for the resident contacted the Engineering Division to discuss options and schedule a meeting.
The Road Rating Lists, for local and main roads, were updated to include the completed 2024 ratings and other minor updates during inspections performed during the month. Any future miscellaneous road inquires will be represented on the following year’s rating lists. The Road Rating Lists are generated using the Pavement Management Program which evaluates roads based on various criteria, each with their own score. The total score results in the rating of the road which is then utilized to list the roads. The lists are utilized to determine annual road resurfacing priorities. Roads not resurfaced are re-rated every 3 years. The Road Rating Lists are fluid and adjusted annually in order to guide the resurfacing program but do not dictate the extents of the projects.
The Governing Body previously approved, by resolution, contracts for 2023-2024 Snow Plowing Services to six contractors totaling 50 trucks for the winter season. The Township contracts for private snow plowing services (trucks and drivers) annually to supplement in-house manpower and equipment. Winter maintenance concerns, snow plowing contractor invoices and supplemental documents were reviewed and provided to the Department of Public Works for processing. The Department of Public Works is responsible for snow and ice removal on over 190 miles of Township, non-Township and private roads within West Milford.
The Governing Body approved, by resolution, a professional services agreement for various items of a proposal from a consultant stormwater professional to manage and evaluate the Township’s compliance as part of the enhanced regulations effective in 2023. The NJDEP hosted a Stormwater Program Coordinator training webinar that DPW and Engineering staff attended. A site inspection was performed by a NJDEP representative to determine municipal standing as part of the review process. The Township has contracted annually with a stormwater professional in order to develop and submit the annual stormwater report and ensure compliance of the NJGPES permit. Recently, more enhanced regulations resulted in additional requirements and evaluation of the Township and other municipalities throughout the state that is ongoing. As part of the requirements, the existing municipal tree removal ordinance is being reviewed for future amendment as required.
Correspondence, meetings and project specific items were discussed with Township officials, the contractor and the design architect in order to move the project forward. Items requiring further Township input were discussed at a February 23rd meeting. Revised plans, as a result of municipal office occupant changes, were received from the design architect on February 13th and being reviewed by the Building Department. The renovation project intends to convert the former Library building to municipal office space. In regards to a potential waterproofing project, areas of excavation for identifying underground utility depth were marked out and identified for future in-house work as weather permits.
Engineering Division staff met with a developer and contractor regarding the outstanding items of the performance bond and the items noted in the inspection requiring restoration. Other municipal Township officials were consulted regarding the ongoing work required for the previously approved subdivision.
Upper High Crest Road
Technical assistance was provided to the Department of Public Works regarding a failed stormwater pipe. New HDPE pipe was installed to replace the failed concrete pipe. Additionally a new concrete stormwater structure was installed to replace a failing structure.
- Technical assistance, regarding lot development plans, storm drainage issues, active construction projects, flood zones, right-of-way issues, etc. were provided to concerned residents on 48 occasions. Field inspections, photographs, reports and/or follow up were required for 12 of these issues.
- Technical assistance was provided, for various issues, to other departments on 51 occasions.
- File research, map copies and/or information was provided to professionals on 3 occasions.
- Assistance was provided to builders, contractors and utilities on 10 occasion.
- 2 Right of Way Entry Permit Applications were received, processed, and returned to the Clerk’s office.
- 3 OPRA requests were responded to.
- A meeting with a contractor was attended regarding a conceptual project’s impacts to municipal roadway infrastructure.
- The Zoning Board Secretary and Zoning Officer were consulted regarding approvals and use of a property. The matter is still being reviewed.
- Potential grant opportunities were discussed with Township officials on three occasions.
- Rain inspections were performed during heavy rain events at various locations to record and identify potential improvements, if any.
- 3 potential soil moving concerns were evaluated.
- 3 Board of Adjustment applications were reviewed.
- 4 weekly reports for Administration were prepared.
- A Joint Environmental Remediation Committee meeting was attended.
- An American with Disabilities Act meeting was attended.
- 1 film permit was reviewed.
- An inquiry was made to the Consulting Township Engineer regarding the status of the Town Hall / Annex septic system approval.
- A “D2 Cybersecurity Training” was attended.
The resurfacing of Germantown Road, between Macopin Road and 0.8-miles south, was completed by October 27th with minor punchlist items completed into December. Project close out items were prepared in anticipation of informing the New Jersey Department of Transportation of the project status and updated in the NJDOT Project Management and Reporting System (PMRS) for electronic management of NJDOT grants. The final close out documents will be completed over the next six months, prior to the six month close out period. The NJDOT Local Aid Office was consulted regarding the grant close out. This resurfacing project is partially funded by a $332,000 State Aid roadway grant.
A walk-through inspection was performed on Maple Road as part of the design process for this NJDOT FY2022 Municipal Aid grant resurfacing project. Existing conditions were documented and potential future work was recorded for design of the project. Field work was performed to survey a portion of the roads existing conditions to identify potential drainage improvements for design prior to resurfacing. Passaic County will be contacted in the near future regarding the status of county-owned culverts and requesting an inspection of such within the roadway. This resurfacing project is partially funded by a $477,040 State Aid roadway grant.
The Governing Body previously approved, by resolution, a contract award for the final design and contract document completion to the consulting Township Engineer for the Hanover, Alpine, Princeton, Lyons and Beverly Road Improvement Project as per their provided proposal. Discussions were held with the design engineers and inquiring residents regarding the project. Preliminary plans, for review and comment, are anticipated in the near future. The proposed project intends to improve, through special assessment charged to the potentially benefiting property owners, Hanover Road, Alpine Court, Princeton Road (portion), Lyons Road (portion), and Beverly Court. These dirt/gravel roads were accepted by ordinance in the summer of 2019. A special assessment ordinance was approved by the Governing Body in April 2022 at a Town Council meeting to award the funding for this project. Field work was completed through the winter of 2022-2023 and design began as time permitted in 2023. A preliminary/conceptual design, as originally proposed during its initial evaluation, was provided to the consulting Township Engineer in September of 2023 for review. The review yielded potential environmental concerns and as a result was discussed and further reviewed through November of 2023.
As part of the ongoing project to assist the Stowaway Park association by way of an assessment project, the third phase of the project (superstructure replacement) was discussed with the Contractor, public safety, Township officials and utility companies. If weather conditions permit, the replacement phase of the project is anticipated to begin in early March and be completed over the span of a weekend. Notifications were provided to the impacted residents alerting them of the updated project schedule. The project has been broken down into five phases with varying levels of impact to the area. The Contractor and impacted utility company were able to successfully complete the first two phases in January (temporary pedestrian bridge installation and installation of temporary underground gas line, respectfully). As part of an assessment project, the work performed on this non-Township road will be paid back by the benefitting property owners to the Township as part of the assessment procedures.
As part of the 2023 Township Road Resurfacing – Phase 2 project, additional preliminary reviews of Appletree Lane and Lake Shore Drive (between Fanwood Court and Longhouse Drive, approximately 1.2 miles) were completed in order to begin design work on those road projects. When weather allows, additional field inspections resulting in physically walking each road will be completed in order to facilitate project bidding in the 2024 construction season (anticipated March).
As part of the ongoing work to move forward with the proposed traffic signal project at the Union Valley Road, Greenwood Lake Turnpike, Lakeside Road and Stainsby Road intersection, the revisions and work required for the traffic signal was discussed with the design engineer, Passaic County and Township staff. Revised plans were submitted to the County Engineers Office for review and comment. The consultant Engineer prepared the final plans which included the final quantities, details and traffic control plans. The consultant Engineer provided the Engineer’ cost estimate for the project. Specifications for bidding were prepared. A notice to bidders was prepared and provided to the Clerk’s Office for advertisement in the newspapers on February 25, 2024 with an anticipated bid opening on March 15, 2024.