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DRAWDOWN - ATTENTION: Greenwood Lake Front Property Owners
A drawdown of Greenwood Lake, as requested by the Greenwood Lake Commission in accordance with the Water Level Management Plan, will begin on October 2, 2006. While largely done to allow for maximum weed exposure during periods of freezing, it is an opportunity for lake front residents and businesses to make repairs and reconstructions to existing bulkheads, docks and pilings, as well as limited removal of sediments and relocation of rocks. This coming Monday, July 10th representatives of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Land Use Regulation will be available to answer any questions associated with the permitting process required to perform such activities during the drawdown period. The meeting will start at 5:30p.m. in the Town Hall Meeting Room located at 1480 Union Valley Road.
A gradual drawdown is proposed for the first ten days and it is suggested that all boats and docks be removed at this time. The maximum depth of drawdown is set at five feet below the spillway elevation. The lake refilling process is scheduled to begin in late February 2006.
Application requirements for NJDEP Statewide General Permit #1 for residential lake front property owners include the submission of photos of proposed project locations, detailed work descriptions, certified notifications of adjacent property owners, a copy of the appropriate local tax map, as well as the application fee. Commercial property owners are required to submit separate statewide general permit applications.
The permitting process does take time. So be sure to attend this special information meeting to get all your questions answered within plenty of time of application deadlines. For more information, call the Planning Department at 973-728-2795.