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Flu and Pneumonia Clinics

Release Date: January 05, 2005

The Flu and Pneumonia Clinic Hillcrest Gymnasium,
 1310 Macopin Road, West Milford. 
Please read carefully. 
The Centers for Disease Control has the following guidelines at this time which are subject to change. High Risk Residents include the following:

Persons aged over 65 years of age with comorbid conditions
Persons aged 65 years of age without comorbid conditions
Residents of  long-term-care facilities
Individuals age 2 to 64 with cormorbid conditons
All pregnant women
Children 6 months to 23 months
Healthcare personell who provide direct patient care
Household contacts and out-of-home caregivers and household contacts of children
age 6 months and younger

You must have an appointment. Please call at 973-728-2725.   This fee is established at $12 for Flu and $25 for pneumonia, subject to change.  The fee is payable to the West Milford Health Dept by check or money order only.  Those with Medicare, Part B, will be inoculated free of charge.

Please check back for further clinic dates.