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Hurricane Sandy Survivors: Keep Your Receipts
Hurricane Sandy Survivors: Keep Your Receipts
TRENTON, N.J. -- The Federal Emergency Management Agency recommends Hurricane Sandy survivors who received money to keep the receipts or bills for which the money was used for three years.
FEMA assistance must be used for eligible disaster expenses only, as identified in the approval letter from the agency. Survivors must save documentation that demonstrates how the funds were used in meeting their disaster-related needs in case they are audited.
Examples include:
- Receipts for items purchased for home repair
- Contractor invoices
- Proof of hotel room charges if you received housing assistance
- Rent payment receipts if you received housing assistance
- Receipts for moving and storage expenses
- Receipts for repairing or replacing personal property
More information on FEMA programs for individuals and households can be found in the “Help After a Disaster” guide. The guide was mailed to each applicant but also is available online at
FEMA's mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.
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